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アンカー 1

  Chōon, Sokuon, Hatsuon 
Long vowel, double consonant, moraic nasal

 Listening 1 

Listen if there is a long vowel in the word or not. You will hear each word twice.


ANSWERS 1 ダース、2 せこう、3 エール、4 おおく、5 しる、6 ふとう、7 とる、8 くろう、9 みっつ、10 さゆう

Now listen and compare both words. You will hear each word once.

Once you have found the difference, imitate the audio. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound to see if they are the same or not.

 Listening 2 

Listen if there is a small っ in the word or not. You will hear each word twice.


ANSWERS 1 いけん、2 がっか、3 かっこう、4 いそ、5 ぶし、6 いっつう、7 かそう、8 へった、9 いち、10 じっかん

Now listen and compare both words. You will hear each word once.

Once you have found the difference, imitate the audio. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound to see if they are the same or not.

 Listening 3 

Listen if there is ん in the word or not. You will hear each word twice.


ANSWERS 1 コンマ、2 ひめい、3 かんない、4 かんき、5 かこう、6 さい、7 じえい、8 にんい、9 よういん、10 こい

Now listen and compare both words. You will hear each word once.

Once you have found the difference, imitate the audio. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound to see if they are the same or not.

 Listening 4 

Listen to the audio and choose one you heard. You will hear each word twice.


ANSWERS 1 かっせい、2 ふうとう、3 こっかい、4 ぜんたい、5 しっかん、6 こうかい、7 しんせい、8 ようきゅう

Now listen and compare both words. You will hear each word once.

Once you have found the difference, imitate the audio. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound to see if they are the same or not.

 Listening 5 

Listen to the audio and choose one you heard. You will hear each sentence twice.


ANSWERS 1 ようか、2 けっこん、3 せんてい、4 ていいん、5 けっせき、6 ふうとう、7 しっぱい

Now listen and compare both words. You will hear each word once.

Once you have found the difference, imitate the audio. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound to see if they are the same or not.

 Speaking (sentence) 

Listen carefully to the audio and try to imitate it.

01 たくさんの熱(あつ)いエールを得(え)る
02 施工(せこう)は成功(せいこう)しました
03 栗(くり)のクリームをどうぞ
04 公費(こうひ)でコーヒーを買(か)う
05 シールに汁(しる)をこぼしてしまった
06 答(こた)えは一(いち)で一致(いっち)した
07 はちみつを三(みっ)つ買(か)った
08 武士(ぶし)が物資(ぶっし)を運(はこ)んでいる
09 時間(じかん)が経(た)つのを実感(じっかん)する
10 試合(しあい)には勝(か)ったが、肩(かた)を痛(いた)めた
11 あれ、あんな所(ところ)に穴(あな)がある
12 ハンコを箱(はこ)に入(い)れる
13 火事(かじ)は漢字(かんじ)でどう書(か)きますか
14 汚染(おせん)された温泉(おんせん)には入(はい)れません
15 要因(よういん)を明(あき)らかにするのは容易(ようい)ではない

 Speaking (conversation) 

Listen carefully to the audio and try to imitate it.

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